Articles | Volume 9, issue 11
Research article
31 Oct 2016
Research article |  | 31 Oct 2016

A versatile, refrigerant- and cryogen-free cryofocusing–thermodesorption unit for preconcentration of traces gases in air

Florian Obersteiner, Harald Bönisch, Timo Keber, Simon O'Doherty, and Andreas Engel

Data sets

Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE) network AGAGE

Short summary
The analysis of trace gases in ambient air requires a preconcentration technique, in many cases to make the species of interest detectable and quantifiable. In this paper, such a preconcentration set-up is presented. Target species are trapped on adsorptive material cooled by a Stirling cooler which allows for a very low adsorption temperature but only requires electrical power. A simple and lightweight mechanical design guarantees very good suitability for remote-site field operation.