13 Jun 2016
 | 13 Jun 2016
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal AMT but the revision was not accepted.

Atmospheric CO2 retrieval from ground based FTIR spectrometer over Shadnagar, India

Pathakoti Mahesh, Gaddamidi Sreenivas, Pamaraju Venkata Narasimha Rao, and Vinay Kumar Dadhwal

Abstract. The column-averaged volume mixing ratio (vmr) of carbon dioxide (XCO2) has been retrieved over Shadnagar (Latitude = 17.03° N, Longitude = 78.21° E), India at Near Infrared (NIR) spectra using ground based high resolution (∆ν = 0.01 cm−1) Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR; model IFS125M) spectrometer. It is first of its kind in India for measuring columnar and vertical mixing ratios of atmospheric trace gases and other greenhouse gases (GHGs). In the present study, retrieval of XCO2 could be performed for a week at near Sun's nadir view (solar zenith angle-SZA, ±75.0°) using line-by-line radiative transfer algorithm (LBLRTA). Vertical profiles of CO2 have been retrieved at NIR and middle IR (MIR) spectra using a version of the Fast Atmospheric Signature Code 3 (FASCODE3) model which is for the retrieval of atmospheric trace gas profiles. Error residuals between measured and fitted atmospheric transmission lie with in ±1.0 % for CO2 (6180–6380 cm−1) and O2 (7800–7940 cm−1) respectively. During analysis period mean (standard deviation, 1σ) XCO2 was observed to be 385.24 ppm (4.22 ppm) with 1.0 % of daily variation. Minimum and maximum averaged molecular column densities of CO2 (O2) are 6.15 × 1021 (3.3 × 1024) molecules/cm2 and 8.06 × 1021 (4.72 × 1024) molecules/cm2 respectively. Obtained an average high signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 833 and 625 for NIR and MIR spectra, respectively.

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Pathakoti Mahesh, Gaddamidi Sreenivas, Pamaraju Venkata Narasimha Rao, and Vinay Kumar Dadhwal
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Pathakoti Mahesh, Gaddamidi Sreenivas, Pamaraju Venkata Narasimha Rao, and Vinay Kumar Dadhwal
Pathakoti Mahesh, Gaddamidi Sreenivas, Pamaraju Venkata Narasimha Rao, and Vinay Kumar Dadhwal


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Short summary
The present study reports Column averaged concentration of CO2 over Shadnagar using Sun's spectra measured by ground based FTIR spectrometer. It is first of its kind in India for measuring columnar and vertical mixing ratios of atmospheric trace gases and other greenhouse gases (GHGs). In the present study, we attempted to retrieve columnar concentration and vertical profile of CO2 by utilising line-by-line radiative transfer algorithm (LBLRTA) and FASCODE3 inversion model.