28 Nov 2017
 | 28 Nov 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal AMT but the revision was not accepted.

Effect of charges carried by atmospheric particles on radar power ratio

Li Xie, Xuebang Gao, and Jianhu Qin

Abstract. The ratio of the receiving power to the transmitting power (RPR) of a well-designed radar system is determined by the absorption and scattering of materials coming into contact with radar waves along the propagating path of the radar wave. In atmospheric detection by a radar system, the RPR is mainly determined by the absorption and scattering of atmospheric particles. Particle properties, such as the charge carried by particles, will affect the RPR. Particle charging is common in a particle system. The present study investigated the effect of charges carried by atmospheric particles on the RPR. It was found that charges carried by particles can increase the RPR, and the increment is related to the charges, particle size parameter, radar emission frequency, and corresponding refractive index of the particles. As the emission frequency of the radar increases, the effect of the charges on the RPR decreases, and especially, the effect of charges on the RPR can be ignored for lidar used to detect sand particles. The number density of particles based on the RPR without considering charges carried by sand particles will be overestimated relative to that when considering charges carried by sand particles. The overestimation increases with the surface charge density, for the same type of radar.

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Li Xie, Xuebang Gao, and Jianhu Qin
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Li Xie, Xuebang Gao, and Jianhu Qin
Li Xie, Xuebang Gao, and Jianhu Qin


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Short summary
Atmospheric particles are commonly charged, such as sand particles, rain drops, haze particle, forggy particles. When a radar or lidar system is used to detect the armospheric particle system, the charges carried by the particles need to be considered. Usually, the charges carried on the particles will overestimate or underestimate the detection results of a radar system, because the charges carried by the particles affect the scattering signals of a radar waves.