24 Jan 2025
 | 24 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal AMT.

Adaptation of RainGaugeQC algorithms for quality control of rain gauge data from professional and non-professional measurement networks

Katarzyna Ośródka, Jan Szturc, Anna Jurczyk, and Agnieszka Kurcz

Abstract. Rain gauge measurements are one of the primary techniques used to estimate a precipitation field, but they require careful quality control. This paper describes a modified RainGaugeQC system, which is applied to real-time quality control of rain gauge measurements made every 10-min. This system works operationally at the national meteorological and hydrological service in Poland. The RainGaugeQC algorithms, which have been significantly modified, are described in detail. The modifications were made primarily to control data from non-professional measurement networks, which may be of lower quality than professional data, especially in the case of private stations. Accordingly, the modifications went in the direction of performing more sophisticated data control, applying weather radar data and taking into account various aspects of data quality, such as consistency analysis of data time series, bias detection, etc. The effectiveness of the modified system was verified based on independent measurement data from manual rain gauges, which are considered one of the most accurate measurement instruments, although they mostly provide daily totals. In addition, an analysis of two case studies is presented. This highlights various issues involved in using non-professional data to generate multi-source estimates of the precipitation field.

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Katarzyna Ośródka, Jan Szturc, Anna Jurczyk, and Agnieszka Kurcz

Status: open (until 01 Mar 2025)

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Katarzyna Ośródka, Jan Szturc, Anna Jurczyk, and Agnieszka Kurcz
Katarzyna Ośródka, Jan Szturc, Anna Jurczyk, and Agnieszka Kurcz


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Short summary
This paper describes a modified RainGaugeQC system for real-time quality control of rain gauge measurements made every 10-min. It has been significantly modified to control data from non-professional and private measurement networks of lower quality than professional data. The modifications went in the direction of performing more sophisticated data control, applying weather radar data and taking into account various aspects, such as consistency analysis of data time series, bias detection, etc.