Articles | Volume 10, issue 8
Research article
25 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 25 Aug 2017

Optimizing hydroxyl airglow retrievals from long-slit astronomical spectroscopic observations

Christoph Franzen, Robert Edward Hibbins, Patrick Joseph Espy, and Anlaug Amanda Djupvik

Data sets

The NOT FITS Header Archive Nordic Optical Telescope

Short summary
We discuss a technique to extract the hydroxyl (OH) airglow signal from routine astronomical spectroscopic observations from the Nordic Optical Telescope. Emission spectra from the vibrational manifold from v′ = 9 down to v′ = 3. The fitted rotational temperature distribution with v′ agrees with model conditions and the preponderance of previous work. We highlight the potential for archived and future observations with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions.