Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Research article
13 Feb 2017
Research article |  | 13 Feb 2017

Post-processing to remove residual clouds from aerosol optical depth retrieved using the Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer

Larisa Sogacheva, Pekka Kolmonen, Timo H. Virtanen, Edith Rodriguez, Giulia Saponaro, and Gerrit de Leeuw

Data sets

AATSR ADV aerosol data ICARE Data and Services Center

Short summary
Clouds reflect solar light much more strongly than aerosol particles. Therefore, the retrieval of aerosol optical depth is usually only attempted over cloud-free areas. A very strict cloud detection scheme has to be applied to remove all cloudy pixels. However, often not all clouds are detected. To remove possibly cloud-contaminated pixels, a cloud post-processing algorithm has been designed, which effectively solves the problem and results in smoother AOD maps and improved validation results.