Articles | Volume 10, issue 12
Research article
22 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 22 Dec 2017

Improved methods for signal processing in measurements of mercury by Tekran® 2537A and 2537B instruments

Jesse L. Ambrose

Data sets

Data Archive for: Improved methods for signal processing in measurements of mercury by Tekran® 2537A and 2537B instruments J. Ambrose

Short summary
Scientific understanding of environmental Hg cycling is limited by analytical uncertainties. To better characterize analytical uncertainty associated with Hg measurements made with the Tekran® 2537 instrument, I developed new software-based methods for offline processing of the raw instrumental data. I demonstrate significant uncertainty associated with the Tekran® method. By comparison, my methods improve measurement accuracy and the Hg detection limit by as much as 95 % and 88 %, respectively.