Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
18 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 18 Jan 2019

The Advanced Infra-Red WAter Vapour Estimator (AIRWAVE) version 2: algorithm evolution, dataset description and performance improvements

Elisa Castelli, Enzo Papandrea, Alessio Di Roma, Bianca Maria Dinelli, Stefano Casadio, and Bojan Bojkov


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Short summary
The total column water vapour (TCWV) is a key atmospheric variable. The AIRWAVE (Advanced Infra-Red WAter Vapour Estimator) v1 algorithm was developed to retrieve TCWV from satellite measurements. Comparisons with independent TCWV show good agreement with an overall bias of 0.72 kg m−2 due to the polar and coastal regions. Here, we describe the AIRWAVEv2 dataset, which shows significant improvements with a global bias of 0.02 kg m−2. This dataset was used to produce a climatology from 1991 to 2012.