Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Research article
06 Jan 2020
Research article |  | 06 Jan 2020

Performance evaluation of THz Atmospheric Limb Sounder (TALIS) of China

Wenyu Wang, Zhenzhan Wang, and Yongqiang Duan

Data sets

MLS/Aura Level 3 Bromine Monoxide (BrO) Daily 10degrees Lat Zonal Mean V004 L. Millan, N. Livesey, and W. Read

JPL molecular spectroscopy catalogue NASA JPL

Model code and software

ARTS University of Hamburg and Chalmers University of Technology

Qpack University of Hamburg and Chalmers University of Technology

Short summary
THz Atmospheric Limb Sounder (TALIS) is a microwave limb sounder designed to measure the temperature and chemical species. The instrument will make an important contribution to monitoring the chemistry of the middle atmosphere. This paper describes the performance of this instrument. We use the radiative transfer model to evaluate its performance. As a result, the retrieval precision is quite acceptable.