Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Research article
03 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 03 Jun 2020

Resolving the size of ice-nucleating particles with a balloon deployable aerosol sampler: the SHARK

Grace C. E. Porter, Sebastien N. F. Sikora, Michael P. Adams, Ulrike Proske, Alexander D. Harrison, Mark D. Tarn, Ian M. Brooks, and Benjamin J. Murray

Data sets

Dataset for 'Resolving the size of ice-nucleating particles with a balloon deployable aerosol sampler: the SHARK' G. C. E. Porter, S. N. F. Sikora, M. P. Adams, U. Proske, A. D. Harrison, M. D. Tarn, I. M. Brooks and B. J. Murray

Short summary
Ice-nucleating particles affect cloud development, lifetime, and radiative properties. Hence it is important to know the abundance of INPs throughout the atmosphere. Here we present the development and application of a radio-controlled payload capable of collecting size-resolved aerosol from a tethered balloon for the primary purpose of offline INP analysis. Test data are presented from four locations: southern Finland, northern England, Svalbard, and southern England.