Articles | Volume 13, issue 7
Research article
15 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 15 Jul 2020

Rain event detection in commercial microwave link attenuation data using convolutional neural networks

Julius Polz, Christian Chwala, Maximilian Graf, and Harald Kunstmann

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Subject: Others (Wind, Precipitation, Temperature, etc.) | Technique: Remote Sensing | Topic: Data Processing and Information Retrieval
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Commercial microwave link (CML) networks can be used to estimate path-averaged rain rates. This study evaluates the ability of convolutional neural networks to distinguish between wet and dry periods in CML time series data and the ability to transfer this detection skill to sensors not used for training. Our data set consists of several months of data from 3904 CMLs covering all of Germany. Compared to a previously used detection method, we could show a significant increase in performance.