Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Research article
07 Dec 2020
Research article |  | 07 Dec 2020

Detecting turbulent structures on single Doppler lidar large datasets: an automated classification method for horizontal scans

Ioannis Cheliotis, Elsa Dieudonné, Hervé Delbarre, Anton Sokolov, Egor Dmitriev, Patrick Augustin, and Marc Fourmentin


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Short summary
The current study presents an automated method to classify coherent structures near the surface, based on the observations recorded by a single scanning Doppler lidar. This methodology combines texture analysis with a supervised machine-learning algorithm in order to study large datasets. The algorithm classified correctly about 91 % of cases of a training ensemble (150 scans). Furthermore the results of a 2-month classified dataset (4577 scans) by the algorithm are presented.