Articles | Volume 14, issue 12
Research article
08 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 08 Dec 2021

Compositional data analysis (CoDA) as a tool to evaluate a new low-cost settling-based PM10 sampling head in a desert dust source region

Yangjunjie Xu-Yang, Rémi Losno, Fabrice Monna, Jean-Louis Rajot, Mohamed Labiadh, Gilles Bergametti, and Béatrice Marticorena


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Short summary
Suspended particles in air (aerosols) are sampled with a pump drawing ambient air through a filter. The air inlet must be carefully designed to control the size of sampled particles and to reject the largest ones (> 10 µm). A low-cost sampling head for determination of the finest fraction of aerosol (> 10 µm in diameter) is presented. Compositional data analysis (CoDA) tools are extensively used here to demonstrate similarity between the low-cost sampling head and other existing systems.