the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Aeolus L2A aerosol optical properties product: standard correct algorithm and Mie correct algorithm
Dimitri Trapon
Adrien Lacour
Alain Dabas
Frithjof Ehlers
Dorit Huber
- Final revised paper (published on 16 Dec 2021)
- Preprint (discussion started on 30 Jun 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on amt-2021-181', Anonymous Referee #1, 28 Jul 2021
General comments
The manuscript under review describes the standard correct and Mie correct retrieval algorithms as part of the Aeolus L2A data products. It is a high-level summary of those algorithms, meant to introduce the most important aspects and to point readers to the more technical algorithm theoretical basis document. The text meets this objective successfully. The different algorithms are described with adequate detail to get a good picture of their inner workings. Ample evidence is given to justify algorithm decisions and retrieval behavior is characterized using simulated data and case studies using data measured in orbit. The manuscript is organized in a logical manner. There are some minor areas where the text could be clarified, and arguments made stronger. These are noted in the specific comments below.
The topic of the paper is relevant and important for the scientific community to understand the Aeolus L2A data products. It is accessible to a broad audience. The title is appropriate, and the amount of information presented is appropriate for the intentions of the manuscript. The abstract also contains sufficient detail, with only a minor amount of clarification requested. The conclusion section seems a bit too concise without much detail, but all relevant details already exist in the main text. Altogether, this manuscript is well within the scope of AMT and will be welcome asset to the scientific community. My specific comments below are to encourage more clarity in some areas, to make the language more precise, and to bolster a few arguments. These comments could easily be addressed with a minor revision.
Specific comments
Abstract: (optional recommendation) It would be helpful it the abstract mention that the standard correct algorithm and Mie correct algorithm are described in detail. That would help researchers know that this information is included based on the abstract alone.
Abstract, line 5: “the theoretical basis is the same as Flamant et al. (2008)”. Elsewhere the manuscript says that the processor has “substantially evolved” since Flamant et al. (2008) which seems at odds with this statement. Line 94 suggests that “most of the theoretical basis is consistent with Flamant et al. (2008). Could these statements be made consistent?
On a related note, the paper mentions “the processor” numerous times. Could some description of what this processor is be given in the main text? Is it meant to describe the code for the entire collection of L2A algorithms? Or just the algorithms themselves? It seems like the terms “theoretical basis”, “algorithms”, and “processor” are used synonymously. Should they be?
Abstract, line 5: The abstract is the only place in the manuscript where the version number (3.12) and baseline number are mentioned. This should probably be described in the main text as well. In fact, it would be helpful to describe what is meant by baseline in terms of the data production strategy for the mission.
Lines 124-125: What are the units of calibration constants K and C? Is this something that should be added to the text?
Line 212: The phrase “full observation file” is a bit confusing, because an there are multiple “observations” (as defined by lines 70-71) in the file. Does omitting the word “file” and just using the phrase “full observation” make the statement accurate?
Line 228: How does Figure 6 hint that the extinction is underestimated? If the fixed lidar ratio is supposedly too low and the lidar ratio in Fig 12 is biased high, then how do we know the extinction is underestimated? With figure 6 alone it is difficult to make the argument that the dust extinction is underestimated. Some more detail or a stronger argument should be given here.
Figure 6: It would be helpful to draw a box or otherwise point out the dust plume. It is hard to see otherwise without some sort of annotation.
Line 253: “We will see that the original algorithm…” What is meant by the original algorithm? It is unclear what is being discussed here.
Line 258: “The ATBD describes in detail how we can access the extinction…” Doesn’t this manuscript describe how extinction is retrieved? This sentence makes it unclear if the extinction being discussed in this section is from the retrievals already introduced in the paper or if there is some other extinction retrieval described in the ATBD that needs to be understood before reading this section. Clarification is requested.
Lines 272-273: “This choice of thresholding has been largely discussed.” It is not clear how this sentence adds to the justification for using the threshold. Does this just mean to say that the choice was considered carefully?
Lines 275-276: “…that the SCA extinction…lacks sensitivity”. What is meant by sensitivity here? Is it the ability to observe weak features? Some more details on the statement would better help understand the limitations of the retrieval.
Equation 18. Some details about this equation should be added, for instance, what are the definitions of the variables?
Line 285: “The loss of vertical resolution is compensated by a substantial gain in errors” Does a “substantial gain in errors” mean that there is a substantial improvement in errors? The word “gain” is ambiguous because it could mean that there is an increase in errors, in which case both vertical resolution and accuracy are lost. “Improvement” is clearer.
Figure 8 and line 288. The text argues that the SCA mid-bin retrieval is the best choice for extinction because it would eliminate the stripes in the right-hand panel of figure 8. It would be useful to show the same example for Figure 8, but with the mid-bin retrieval to demonstrate how it improves the striping.
Line 342: What quality flags have been applied? Is it just the SNR thresholds discussed in the paragraph? If there are more quality flags applied then it would be helpful, especially for data users, to state which flags are used.
Lines 352-353: The text states that the lidar ratio appears higher than other lidar measurements due to because only the co-polar channel is measured by Aeolus. How much higher is it reasonable to expect the lidar ratio to be due to this? Is it meaningful to estimate the depolarization of the dust plume and the subsequent expected overestimation of lidar ratio? Is that outside the scope of this manuscript? It would instill more confidence in the retrieval to know that the overestimation of lidar ratio in this example is consistent with what is expected due to the missing cross-polar channel rather than some other retrieval artifact or calibration bias.
Line 366: What is the “basic cloud classifier”? Is that part of the L2A data products? The remainder of this paragraph relies on determinations of the cloud classifier and cloud mask, but sparse details are given on how it works. Adding a reference to more information about this classifier would help readers understand its limitations in this analysis.
Section 5. The conclusions section is missing a summary of the algorithms discussed in the paper. Maybe this section is meant to be concise, but it seems incomplete. It would be more informative if it restated the main algorithms discussed and quantities retrieved. Even better, it would be helpful to state which of these retrievals are recommended for users. All this is in the main body of the text, so my comment here is an optional suggestion for the authors.
Technical corrections
Line 32: Remove unnecessary word, “In”, …”CALIPSO In is an older lidar mission…”
Line 35: Reference should be Omar et al., 2009 instead of Ali H. et al, 2009
Line 65: Should say, “depicted in Figs. 1 and 2.”
Equation 2: Subscripts for S and K should be mie instead of rie.
Line 139: Extra parentheses at beginning of Dabas reference.
Equations 7 and 8: Is the subscript “i” missing or was it intentionally ommitted? It appeared in equation 2.
Line 221: The subscript for molecular extinction in the equation for molecular attenuation is incorrectly given as “p” instead of “m”.
Line 226: Should be “This yields…” rather than “This yield…”
Line 270: The word “is” is unnecessary…”the SCA extinction is only yields…”
Line 276: Unnecessary parentheses at the end of this sentence.Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Thomas Flament, 13 Oct 2021
We thank the reviewer for the positive and detailled comments in the review.
We reworked the paper to make it more easily accessible to "non-insiders" and better described the figures. The point-by-point answer to the review is provided in the attached document, with the original remarks in black and the answer in blue.
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Thomas Flament, 13 Oct 2021
RC2: 'Comment on amt-2021-181', Anonymous Referee #2, 01 Sep 2021
The paper describes in a short and concise way the algorithms for the retrievals of the aerosol and cloud product from Aeolus. It is thus very informative and valuable for the scientific community and therefore, in principle, well suited for publication in AMT.
However, I have some major concerns which need to be addressed before the paper can be published. The authors have done great work in developing the algorithms for Aeolus and updating calibration schemes, but the current presentation style of the paper needs to be clearly improved otherwise it is not understandable and thus publishable. Therefore, most of my comments are with respect to that topic.
General remarks:
The paper tries to make a compromise between extended algorithm description and concise information. This, however, was not successful all time. Especially, a lot of “Aeolus internal“ language is used, which is not understandable for an external readers. Some examples are given below, but please check that everything is explained and clearly references so that a person with no access to the internal ESA pages can understand everything.
Furthermore, the main ESA documents which the authors reference on (e.g. the ATBD) should be made available in a sustainable way. Currently they are published on an ESA webpage, but who knows if this is still the case in 1 or 2 years. Thus, please either put this important information on a repository where you can obtain a DOI (e.g. zendo) OR submit it as supplementary material.
Furthermore, while progressing with the reading the paper, the language style gets more and more sloppy and clearly needs to be improved (to be honest, one has the feeling it was submitted before it was really finalized, i.e. some sections are still in a draft-stage). E.g., the current conclusion is not sufficient and not appropriate for a journal like AMT. Also, the language itself is partly not scientific and still a lot of typos exist. Thus, this should be improved during the revision or language editing should be made by Copernicus.
In general section 4.1. and 4.2 has to be overworked. The explanations are partly insufficient and one has to guess many times what is meant…..
References: The references given in the introduction and the paper are not up to date (one has the feeling the list is 2-3 years old). Meanwhile, some papers have been published, also dedicated to aerosol and cloud products, and should be mentioned. Some examples are given in the specific comments.
Figures: Please explain each Figure you use and what can be seen in this Figure. Currently, very often you draw conclusion from a Figure, but for an external reader it is not comprehensible/understandable because it is not sufficiently explained what is shown in the Figures. In principle, you need to explain each Figure in the text, and additional as a self-standing description in the caption. So that one could understand the Figure from reading the caption only, but also from reading the text only. Furthermore, please check which Figures you really need to make you message: “Illustrations should only be shown if they are necessary for the understanding of the paper, not because they have been created. “
Specific comments:
Line 26: “molecular photons“ do not exist, I guess you mean photons backscatter by molecules.
Line 32: delete IN (after Calipso)
Introduction in general. Please review the current status of Aeolus (space lidar) related literature and add the important most recent references.
Lind 35: Wrong naming in reference, it is OMAR et al and not Ali et al.
line 41: add “and“ before nature
Line 52: Sustainable source for Flamant 2021 needed.
Line 66: Add “Fig.“ before 1 and 2. (do you need these figures?)
Line 79: “the top-most Rayleigh bin that must be above the top-most Mie bins“ Please explain why and/or give reference.
84: “The shape of the optical filters is drawn in Fig. 3.”. Language! What is shown in Figure 3 are the transmission curves for the different channels/filters.
86: “ The figure shows that the Mie peak in the spectrum is significantly filtered out by the dual Fabry-Perot as it stands half-way between the peak transmissions of Fabry-Perot A and B, where the sum of the two transmissions reaches a local minimum.” I assume that you reference now to the right panel of Figure 3. I took me quite some while to understand what you have written. You need to rewrite this paragraph adding more explanation. Please guide the reader to what is the “Mie peak”. Explain all abbreviations in the Figures (e.g. what is TA and TB?) and use the line colour and style when referring to a specific curve to help the reader understanding.
90: “Overall, the efficiency of the Rayleigh detection chain for the photons backscattered by particles is about 50% of what it is for molecular photons, while it is 130% through the Mie detection chain.” The current phrasing is very, very hard to understand. Please try to rephrase to make it clearer for the reader.
Figure 3: y-Axes caption on the right column missing. X-axis caption: What is 0? This is never explained. I now it is the difference to the emission frequency but you need to state this. Thus, it is not the frequency but the frequency difference/shift.
Line 99: L1B never explained. What is this, any reference? I think all, the L1B and L2A ATBD and product description documents need to be published with a DOI from the current versions.
106: L1B derived scattering ratio is defined by the physical quantities. But how can this be done at L1B level?
107: Which pre-defined lidar ratio is used? - please state this here.
112: Please explain SNR and also please explain what “high” means.
112: Is the group product really limited to one BRC? I thought features are grouped on the basis if “measurements” independent of the BRC.
122: S_rie--> S_Mie
130: add “and” after the formula
133ff: As C1 to C4 are fundamental coefficients, the short explanation is not sufficient to me (as the reference given is a zip file only and no peer-reviewed document). Especially the adhoc calibration procedure (line 137) needs a short and concise explanation here. Also the uncertainties related to that should be briefly discussed: E.g. how good are your C1 to C4 determined and what happens if the calibration fails.
144: I guess you invert not only Eq. 2. but also Eq. 1? At least id did not understand how to achieve 7 and 8 by using only Eq. 2. Please also write inverted “to”…..
Eq. 7 and 8: C_3 subscript for “3” missing
155: maybe rephrase to “the assumption is made that within the first bin no particles exist”.
159: Eq 12: ß_m needs subscript sim as well?
Line 167: What is x – it’s not explained. In general formula 14 is hard to understand. Do the brackets behind H^-1 correspond to x? That is unclear for me. Probably it would be better to explain this formula in two steps or you simply do not use “H”.
Figure 4 is never referenced. I think this should be done as it is very interesting.
169: For my own interest: Did you ever estimate to what extent possible extinction above the first bin could influence the SCA? Is the normalization procedure probably more prone to produce high errors than a possible extinction above the first bin?
180: Please explain “M1”. E.g.: “...the primary mirror (called M1)”. But probably this is not needed. Do you have by the way any reference for that statement? E.g. during last ILRC, a lot of Aeolus presentations were made: or even that manuscript: ?
188: Does it impact the retrieval or the calibration?
Line 190: Do you have any reference how “clear sky” is defined? I.e. which measures do you apply?
Line 196/197: What is meant with step 2 in Figure 5? Is is not clear for me. More explanation is needed here.
Fig. 5: I think Fig 5, left is not useful to understand the paper. If you want to keep it, it must be enlarged, colour scale must be changed and much more explained. But from my point of view, Fig. 4 and Fig 5. (right) are sufficient. Nevertheless, it is surprising to see a big difference in Fig 5. left for the orbit averaged k and the M1 fitted K, while in the distributions on the right side it is obviously not the case. Can you explain? Virtually you have much more values around or above 4 for the orbit averaged K but this is not seen in the distribution (right panels).
206: please explain what “distribution” you mean. I guess you refer to Fig. 5 right, but you need to explain what is shown there.
211: “The fit being made…..”: which fit? It is unclear for externals what is meant with all this. Please explain more solid in scientific language.
216: ”L1B derived scattering ratio”: Never explained. What is this?
Eq. 16: What is roh_L1B,I ? Is this the scattering ratio. What is the difference between a real scattering ratio and the L1B derived one. Need to be explained.
224: Tm,sat,i-1 is not in Eq. 17. Please correct.
228: Which lidar ratio did you use and why? This is an essential information.
228: How one can see a dust plume? Please indicate in Fig. 6 and maybe also put geophysical coordinates to Fig. 6 (as for the Calipso image or Fig.12).
Fig. 6: The size of this Figure is good as well as the color scale. Some more explanation is needed in the text: what are the white areas, why do the top of the profiles changes. Where has this curtain been made, etc……
231-239: I am puzzled how I should deal with this information. So the ICA is kept in the data for historical reasons. But no development have been made. What does it mean? Shall I neglect the ICA? Same for the group product. A clear statement would be desirable. Or do not describe the ICA and group at all (maybe only in the introduction) as it is not used in your analysis. At least, in the current form it might be more confusing for the reader than providing valuable information.
245: As far as I know, ALADIN is not linearly but circular polarized….thus there is also no parallel direction….
245-247: Please put reference here. E.g. Ansmann et al., 2007; Flamant et al., 2008, or Baars et al. (2021).
255: Any reference for that statement that signals are weaker than expected as before launch? e.g.: Reitebuch,2020, ILRC or even directly in this special issue?
268: “See Fig. 7.”: More explanation for Figure 7 needed. E.g. which plot in Fig. 7 is meant, what is shown there, etc. Just to refer to a Figure without any explanation what is shown there is not sufficient. Furthermore, many things shown in Fig. 7 are never discussed, e.g. backscatter *30sr….
274: Same as above but for Figure 8. E.g., Fig. 8, left is never referenced. And it is never explained what is seen there in general. Moreover, the panels should be enlarged to page width and been put over each other.
Eq. 18: most of the quantities shown in this equation are not explained, thus one cannot follow the argumentation and understand the formula.
Fig. 19: Same comment as for Eq. 18. Please discuss the equations or review if you really need to show them. I could not follow any of the argumentation from 277ff.
285: If you “lose” vertical resolution but also gain errors, why to use this method? I guess you mean lose resolution and decrease errors?
296: two times “presented”, delete one of it.
299: E2S never explained, please do so when introducing the end-to-end simulation. Furthermore, what is the difference of the 20 simulation? It is not written here. If they are produced from the same input scene they should deliver the same results unless you alter some parameter. Which ones? what was simulated?
301: “Most of the time, the backscatter and extinction coefficients are correctly derived” how is this seen? What are you looking at?
Figure 10 and discussion: The current Figure is hard to read. It is 16 panels with 6 curves each. Do you really need all panels to make your statement? Maybe show only the most important. Please also explain all abbreviations and formula symbols. Why do you use log-scale for the backscatter and extinction values?
Maybe you could start introducing the reader to these kind of Figures by grapping one BRC and first explain in detail what is shown. Afterwards show the other BRC’s and do your interpretations. But currently you ask too much from the reader to understand what you see in these plots.
302: “i.e. errors lie within the range of atmospheric heterogeneity” – how is this heterogeneity determined. It is currently a statement without proof.
303: “backscatter coefficients are also mostly correct” what does this mean, where it can be seen?
304: “The average of the 20 simulation overlap the expected values with a low dispersion meaning that one realization should be enough to characterize the atmospheric optical properties.” I do not understand this sentence as I do not know to what you are referring to.
307: “In practice the vertical resolution of the bins is seldom below 500 m” has it ever be explained that the range-bin setting can be changed and is changed along one orbit? This is an important information….
299-309: The paragraph should be overworked in general. For me it was hard to understand to what the authors refer to when making a statement.
316: “The estimated errors are also too low and do not cover the expected values”: How can I see that in the plot? Unclear for me.
319: “In this example,” which one?
320: It has been never explained what a “useful” signal is…..
322: “bias is then propagated up to the calculation of the backscatter” what does it mean: propagated up to? Please check if you can find a proper peer-reviewed reference for CALIOP, e.g. Winker 2009
343: “determined by a threshold on the Mie SNR…” what is the threshold?
345: “reject low signal bins” please improve phrasing, what are low signal bins, bins with low signal?
346: “L2A valid lidar ratio” what does valid mean? I guess you mean that you applied the validity flags?
Figure 12: What you show is the co-polar lidar ratio, please indicate this in the Figure to avoid confusion. The blue and green frame is hardly seen. Can you use a different color?
347: “high lidar ratio values”…please indicate numbers – it is hard to see from the colors, e.g. 120 -140 sr. In my opinion you always should state that “only” the co-polar lidar ratio is measured, otherwise readers only looking at the plots may be really confused why the lidar ratio in dust is 2-3 times higher than normal. And you also should state what (co-polar) lidar ratio one would expect in mineral dust. Otherwise the reader is left alone in interpreting if Aeolus L2A data is useful….
350: You compare apples to peaches: Please state what lidar ratios (numbers) they have been measured (Mona and Nisanzi) and what you would expect for Aeolus taking into account the polar component. There was also a presentation by Wandinger showing that.
353: “A number of studies (Ansmann et al., 2003) have shown that light depolarization ratio of dust and marine particles mixture is significant.” I do not understand this sentence.
358: In my opinion, you devalue Aeolus with no need. The lidar ratio is not overestimated taking into account the Aeolus capabilities. Even more, it is absolutely correct when considering the expectations, e.g., made in Wandinger et al. Thus, you might reconsider your statements here.
362ff and Figure 14: Is in my opinion not needed. First, it is “only” model data and therefore only an indicator, second it does not provide any additional valuable information. Thus, consider to omit this. If you consider it as very important, than much more explanation is needed.
As written before, the conclusion seem to be unfinished (i.e. still in draft stage) and are not sufficient in the current form. Please revise.
Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Le Rille, O., Lajas, D., & Straume, A. G. (2007). Particle backscatter and extinction profiling with the spaceborne high-spectral-resolution Doppler lidar ALADIN: Methodology and simulations. Applied Optics, 46(26), 6606– 6622.
Baars, H., Radenz, M., Floutsi, A. A., Engelmann, R., Althausen, D., Heese, B., et al. (2021). Californian wildfire smoke over Europe: A first example of the aerosol observing capabilities of Aeolus compared to ground-based lidar. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL092194.
Flamant, P., Cuesta, J., Denneulin, M.-L., Dabas, A., & Huber, D. (2008). ADM-Aeolus retrieval algorithms for aerosol and cloud products. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 60(2), 273– 286.
Reitebuch, O., Lemmerz, C., Lux, O., Marksteiner, U., Rahm, S., Weiler, F., et al. (2020). Initial assessment of the performance of the first Wind Lidar in space on Aeolus. EPJ Web of Conferences, 237, 01010.
Wandinger et al., Validation of ADM-Aeolus L2 aerosol and cloud products employing advanced ground-based lidar Measurements (VADAM), ADM-Aeolus Science and CAL/VAL Workshop, 2015.
Weiler, F., Rennie, M., Kanitz, T., Isaksen, L., Checa, E., de Kloe, J., Okunde, N., and Reitebuch, O.: Correction of wind bias for the lidar on-board Aeolus using telescope temperatures, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2021
Winker, D. M., Vaughan, M. A., Omar, A., Hu, Y., Powell, K. A., Liu, Z., et al. (2009). Overview of the CALIPSO mission and CALIOP data processing algorithms. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26(11), 2310– 2323.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Thomas Flament, 13 Oct 2021
We thanks the reviewer for the extensive review.
We akcknowledge that the phrasing needed to be adapted and clarified to make the article accessible to readers outside of the Aeolus project. Following the reviewers recommendations, we explained the figures better and paid attention the to overall consistency of the article.
The point-by-point response is provided in the attached document, with the original remarks in black and the answers in blue.
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Thomas Flament, 13 Oct 2021
EC1: 'Comment on amt-2021-181', Ad Stoffelen, 13 Sep 2021
The third anonymous reviewer mailed the following assessment to the associate editor for the author's consideration:
Review of "Aeolus L1A Aerosol Optical Properties Product: Standard
Correct Algorithm and Mie Correct Algorithm" by T. Flament et al.
General Comments
=================This paper gives the impression that the evaluation/validation (and
maybe development) of the aerosol/cloud products from Aeolus is still
in the early stages, in marked contrast with the aeolus wind
retrievals1. The paper presents only one example using real data where
the lidar ratio results may be plausible. Almost 3 years after launch,
I would have hoped for a more advanced state with respect to the
aerosol/cloud product evaluation/validation.
It could well be argued that this paper is premature, however,
having said that there are also reasons why this paper is potentially
publishable at this time. This paper could serve as a point of
reference for the lidar community and to serve as an accessible
introduction to the instrument and the existing L2 aerosol/cloud
retrieval algorithms. With regards to the later point, to be useful,
the presentation of the paper must be improved. I found several areas
to be more confusing than illuminating and, at times, the presentation
seemed geared more towards "Aeolus insiders" rather than the wider
lidar aerosol-cloud community.The paper was also "thin" on examples using real observations
imparting on the reader of the paper no real feel at all for the
quality of the data. To this end, the authors should include
additional examples, for example, showing:-profiles and 2-D plots of the Aeolus Attenuated backscatter (both
before and after cross-talk correction).-profiles and 2-D plots of the retrieved extinction and backscatters.
-comparisons of the extinction and backscatter retrieval results for
the MCA and SCA algorithm.The above examples should, ideally, span an appropriate number of
representative cases (e.g. cirrus clouds, light and heavy aerosol
loadings etc..)
My specific comments follow.=================
Specific Comments
First off, I am puzzled by the use of "correct" in the name of the
algorithms refered to by this paper. There are other approaches to
inverting HSRL signals to derive extinction and lidar ratio that are
mathematically valid. What is special about these algorithms that make
them "correct" ? It would be useful to the reader if this point was
somehow addressed in this paper.Abstract Line 1:
----------------"Although ALADIN is optimized ....."
Abstract: Line 11:
------------------The last line is badly worded. I suggest "This is illustrated using
Saharan dust aerosol observed in June 2020".Page 1: Line 19:
-----------------I find this short description awkward and not accurate enough. I
suggest something like: "Two separate main optical detection channels
are implemented on-board ALADIN. They are referred to as the Mie and
Rayleigh channels. Both channels detect a mixture of particulate and
molecular scattering. However, the primary task of the so-called Mie
channel is to detect the spectrally narrow (FWHM on the order of 10s
of MHz) return from atmospheric hydrometers. The Rayleigh channel
primarily detects the spectrally broader (FWHM of several GHz)
backscatter from atmospheric molecules."Page 2: Line 32
Delete the "In" directly after the reference to Winker et al.Page 2: Line 33
2006 was 15 years ago. I think you can delete the "already"...perhaps "previously" was meant.Page 2: Line 34
Please be specific. What is "all the available information" ?Page 2: Line 46.
This is a very interesting point. Please provide a
reference (even if it is only a tech note or report).Page 2: line 53
Please mention how can the general community get access to the updated L2A ATBD.Page 2: Last line
"...followed by a conclusion" ==> "...followed by a conclusion section".Page 3: Line 68
-----------------I am confused by the reference to the "..previous 24 sec cycle of the
burst-mode operation of the laser". Previous to what ? Was this burst
mode used early on in the mission ? If so, why was it no longer used ?
Or, was it something previously planned but not implemented ?Page 3: Line 75
-----------------"Fine bins.." ==> "Finer resolution bins..."
Page 3: Lines 83-94 and Fig. 3
-------------------------------I found that the discussion of the spectrometers to be very confusing
! Only after reading through the L1 and L2 ATBDs, it became clear that
the Rayleigh A and B signals are the result of integrating the images
projected on CCD detectors. So for the Rayleigh channels, for each
time-height bin two spectrally integrated measurements are
available. This should be explained here.For the Mie channel I found the presentation here to be
misleading. The text and Fig. 3 first had lead me to believe that in
the case of the Mie channel, that the data yieled by the device was a
spectrum such as that iluustrated in Fig.3. It took some time and
iterating between the two documents, to realize that that for the Mie
channel, that the curve shown in Fig. 3 corresponds only to the
central position of the Fizeau wedge !Only after reading through the L1 and L2 ATBDs I understood that there
are 16 different spectral channels available. Further, the response of
each channel is the result of integrating the spectrometer output
image along the different columns (corresponding to wavelength
shift). Since the central wavelength varies as a function of Fizeau
wedge position, the measurement will consist of the INTEGRATED filter
spectral response (e.g. as shown in the bottom right-panel of Fig. 3)
with the center frequency shifted according to its position along the
CCD rows.I understand that the author's would likely desire to keep the
explanation concise, however, the presentation here really needs to be
more detailed and accurate ! It did cost me some time to understand
what was being shown here and how the instrument really functioned and
I am sure this would also hold true to many other readers in the
general community.Page 6: Lines 104-109
----------------------The description of the "MCA" is likely incomprehensible to anyone not
intimately involved with the data processing itself ! What does "some
sort of cross-talk correction" mean ? What is the L1B-derived
scattering ratio ?Either provide more details about the MCA (even references to the
appropriate sections of the publicly available ATBDs would help)
or, if it is deemed not essential, to the paper just skip it.The same general comments apply to the description of the ICA.
Page 6: Lines 110
------------------"At last.." ==> "Lastly,.."
Section 2.2.1
---------------See my later comment (Page 13: Line 252)
It would be useful for the general reader if it were to be explained
what advantages (or disadvantages) the SCA method have compared to the
usual method of determining extinction by calculating the
log-derivative of the Rayleigh ATB profile ? Off hand. I can think
that the low vertical resolution bins dealt with here may be a
factor. Is this correct ?Are any multiple-scattering considerations taken into account in
the retrieval. It looks like they are not. Do you expect this to have
any impacts on e.g. cirrus cloud retrievals ?Page 6: Line 118-119
----------------------"concision" is rarely used in modern English. I suggest "brevity" or
"conciseness".The sentence is awkward: I suggest something like:
For the sake of brevity, only an outline of the SCA algorithm is
presented here. Only the main features of the algorithm, necessary to
understand the subsequent sections, are covered."
Page 7: Line 129
------------------Delete the "(dR(z)=R'(z)dz)" It is trivial and does not add anything to the presentation.
Page 7: Line 144
"..equation (2)" ==> "..equations (1) and (2)."Page 8: Line 180
-----------------"..thermal constraint on the primary mirror..." does not make any
sense here. Do the authors mean "thermally induced distortion" or
"thermal strain" ?What is meant by "orbit phase" ? Do the authors mean the "orbit
position" ? Does the distortion vary predictably along the orbit or
is function of the e.g. solar background ?Line 183: "...called the Instrument....(IRC) mode,..."
Line 184" " with negligible Doppler shift due to the nadir pointing."
Page 9: Line 190
----------------(Also relevant to Eqns. 5 and 6) What is the maximum height given by
the AUX_MET product. Is there any account given to the Rayleigh
transmission between the top to the AUX_MET product and the top-of-atmosphere ?
Page 9: Line 198
-----------------"Constraints" ...see my comment (Page 8: Line 180)
Page 9: Line 210:
-----------------------It would be useful if the authors could elaborate on this point a
bit. For example, what order of magnitude error do they believe
background aerosol levels may have on the accuracy of the calibration
?Page 10: Line 215
------------------See my comment above (Page 6:
Lines 104-109). To the general reader the "L1B scattering ratio" is a
meaningless term unless you explain it !Page 11: Lines 223-229
-----------------------How is the lidar ratio chosen? Is it fixed or does it vary with
altitude, latitude etc..
Section 3.1
-------------It would be useful if the magnitude of the results of only measuring
the co-polar return was discussed !Page 12: Line 245:
"Designed as a wind lidar, ALADIN does not have the ability to measure
depolarization". This sentence(along with the text that follows it)
implies that this wind lidar do not (can not?) measure
depolarization. Is this true in general or only for the specific
design of ALADIN ? What design constraint has lead to ALADIN not
detecting the co-polar return.Also, ALADIN transmits and recieves circularly polarized radiation NOT
linearly polarized !
Page 13, Section 3.2
-------------------The concept of the relationship between the extinction profile and the
log-derivative of the Rayleigh attenuated backscatter profile is used
throughout this section. From a mathematical view-point, it is certainly
true that any approach to retrieving the extinction solely using the
molecular backscatter profile (either explicitly or implicitly)
involves computing the log derivative of the attenuated backscatter
profile. This must be true also of the SCA approach briefly described
in Section 2.2.1. It would be useful to guide the reader with regards
to this point. For example, outlining how the SCA approach is related
to the standard log-derivative method for retrieving extinction would
be useful !
Page 16: Line 308
------------------"..are out of the graphics.." ==> "..are off scale in Figure 9..."
Page 16: Lines 229-330:
------------------------The naming of the instruments and the platforms they are on are all conflated here !
I suggest, for example, CALIOP on board the NASA/CNES CALIPSO platform.Page 16: Lines 333:
--------------------"...quality with.." ==> "..quality using.."
Page 18: Fig. 11 Caption.
-------------------------"..from 384 and 354nm spectral bands" ==> "derived using the 384 and 354nm spectral bands."
Page 18: Line 345
-----------------"This allows for the rejection of the low...."
Page 19. Fig 1 and Section 4.2 in general.
------------------------------------------The figure is fine. However, it would be useful to also present the
retrieved extinction as well as the Aeolus observed attenuated Mie and
Rayleigh backscatter images. The absence of such images is conspicuous.Page 19, Lines 350-360.
-----------------------There is a well-established relationship between the linear
depolarization ratio and circular depolarization ratio that should
hold for must circumstances. Given this it would be useful for the
authors to give a quantitative number for the expected impact of the
depolarization on the Aeolus measured lidar-ratio.Section 5:
----------Join the first two paragraphs.
Can you please provide more detail connected with the points being
made here ? For example:-What type of new algorithms are being developed ?
-Can you at least give a reference to the assimilation work ?
Citation: -
AC3: 'Reply on EC1', Thomas Flament, 13 Oct 2021
We thank the reviewer for an extensive review, which showed the precise knowledge of the reviewer and her or his interest in the presented work.
The L2A still really is under development. The product was only released to the public in 2021. The aerosol product has long been considered as a side product of the Aeolus mission and it was not as mature as the wind product before launch. The actual behaviour of the instrument in space had to be taken into account after launch, while keeping in line with the requirements of an operational product (although it was not distributed to the public). Also, the focus has been put on tuning the existing algorithms and calibration. Promising new processing methods are being developed and more detailled validation will be made easier when the mission data is homogeneously reprocessed.
As the reviewer pointed out, the objective of this paper is to give information about the currently released data. We followed the recomendation and tried to clarify the use of the "Aeolus internal language". We included some additional figures (Mie and Rayleigh channel signals and attenuated backscatters after cross-talk correction) but we didn't want to overload the paper with to many cases and focused on the Saharan dust case initally presented.
The point-by-point response is provided in the attached document, with original remarks in black and answers in blue.
AC3: 'Reply on EC1', Thomas Flament, 13 Oct 2021
Peer review completion



