Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
04 Mar 2022
Research article |  | 04 Mar 2022

Aerosol models from the AERONET database: application to surface reflectance validation

Jean-Claude Roger, Eric Vermote, Sergii Skakun, Emilie Murphy, Oleg Dubovik, Natacha Kalecinski, Bruno Korgo, and Brent Holben


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Short summary
From measurements of the sky performed by AERONET, we determined the microphysical properties of the atmospheric particles (aerosols) for each AERONET site. We used the aerosol optical thickness and its variation over the visible spectrum. This allows us to determine an aerosol model useful for (but not only) the validation of the surface reflectance satellite-derived product. The impact of the aerosol model uncertainties on the surface reflectance validation has been found to be 1 % to 3 %.