Articles | Volume 15, issue 8
Research article
21 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 21 Apr 2022

Quantifying the coastal urban surface layer structure using distributed temperature sensing in Helsinki, Finland

Sasu Karttunen, Ewan O'Connor, Olli Peltola, and Leena Järvi

Data sets

Dataset containing DTS-data used in Karttunen et al. "Quantifying coastal urban surface layer structure using distributed temperature sensing in Helsinki, Finland" Olli Peltola

Supplementary data for analysing distributed temperature sensing (DTS) measurements from Helsinki, Finland Sasu Karttunen

Model code and software

Python scripts for analysing distributed temperature sensing (DTS) measurements from Helsinki, Finland Sasu Karttunen

Short summary
To study the complex structure of the lowest tens of metres of atmosphere in urban areas, measurement methods with great spatial and temporal coverage are needed. In our study, we analyse measurements with a promising and relatively new method, distributed temperature sensing, capable of providing detailed information on the near-surface atmosphere. We present multiple ways to utilise these kinds of measurements, as well as important considerations for planning new studies using the method.