Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
09 May 2022
Research article |  | 09 May 2022

Fragment ion–functional group relationships in organic aerosols using aerosol mass spectrometry and mid-infrared spectroscopy

Amir Yazdani, Nikunj Dudani, Satoshi Takahama, Amelie Bertrand, André S. H. Prévôt, Imad El Haddad, and Ann M. Dillner

Data sets

AMS and FTIR spectra of primary and aged fine PM from wood burning and coal combustion Amir Yazdani, Nikunj Dudani, Satoshi Takahama, Amelie Bertrand, André S. H., Prévôt, Imad El Haddad, and Ann. M. Dillner

AMS and FTIR measurements and the corresponding codes for their statistical combination Amir Yazdani, Nikunj Dudani, Satoshi Takahama, Amelie Bertrand, André S. H., Prévôt, Imad El Haddad, and Ann. M. Dillner

Short summary
While the aerosol mass spectrometer provides high-time-resolution characterization of the overall extent of oxidation, the extensive fragmentation of molecules and specificity of the technique have posed challenges toward deeper understanding of molecular structures in aerosols. This work demonstrates how functional group information can be extracted from a suite of commonly measured mass fragments using collocated infrared spectroscopy measurements.