Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
28 Jun 2022
Research article |  | 28 Jun 2022

Hierarchical deconvolution for incoherent scatter radar data

Snizhana Ross, Arttu Arjas, Ilkka I. Virtanen, Mikko J. Sillanpää, Lassi Roininen, and Andreas Hauptmann

Data sets

EISCAT Operations Schedule, June 2022 EISCAT Scientific Association

Model code and software

Hierarchical-deconvolution: Hierarchical deconvolution codes Arttu Arjas

Short summary
Radar measurements of thermal fluctuations in the Earth's ionosphere produce weak signals, and tuning to specific altitudes results in suboptimal resolution for other regions, making an accurate analysis of these changes difficult. A novel approach to improve the resolution and remove measurement noise is considered. The method can capture variable characteristics, making it ideal for the study of a large range of data. Synthetically generated examples and two measured datasets were considered.