Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
31 Jan 2022
Research article |  | 31 Jan 2022

Improving thermodynamic profile retrievals from microwave radiometers by including radio acoustic sounding system (RASS) observations

Irina V. Djalalova, David D. Turner, Laura Bianco, James M. Wilczak, James Duncan, Bianca Adler, and Daniel Gottas

Data sets

Experimental Planetary Boundary Layer Instrumentation Assessment U.S. Department of Energy

Short summary
In this paper we investigate the synergy obtained by combining active (radio acoustic sounding system – RASS) and passive (microwave radiometer) remote sensing observations to obtain temperature vertical profiles through a radiative transfer model. Inclusion of the RASS observations leads to more accurate temperature profiles from the surface to 5 km above ground, well above the maximum height of the RASS observations themselves (2000 m), when compared to the microwave radiometer used alone.