Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
Research article
29 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 29 Jun 2023

Validation of a camera-based intra-hour irradiance nowcasting model using synthetic cloud data

Philipp Gregor, Tobias Zinner, Fabian Jakub, and Bernhard Mayer

Data sets

UCLA-LES shallow cumulus dataset with 3D cloud output data F. Jakub and P. Gregor

Short summary
This work introduces MACIN, a model for short-term forecasting of direct irradiance for solar energy applications. MACIN exploits cloud images of multiple cameras to predict irradiance. The model is applied to artificial images of clouds from a weather model. The artificial cloud data allow for a more in-depth evaluation and attribution of errors compared with real data. Good performance of derived cloud information and significant forecast improvements over a baseline forecast were found.