Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Research article
 | Highlight paper
11 Aug 2023
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 11 Aug 2023

Drone-based meteorological observations up to the tropopause – a concept study

Konrad B. Bärfuss, Holger Schmithüsen, and Astrid Lampert

Data sets

Atmospheric Profile Measurements Conducted by the Unmanned Aerial System LUCA (Panker, Germany, 2020-07-03 and 2021-05-28) Konrad Bärfuss, Holger Schmithüsen, Ruud Dirksen, Lutz Bretschneider, Falk Pätzold, Sven Bollmann, Heiko Wickboldt, Maximilianvon Unwerth, Magnus Asmussen, Tom Schwarting, and Astrid Lampert

Radiosonde Measurements Co-Located with Ascends of the Unmanned Aerial System LUCA (Panker, Germany 2020-07-03 and 2021-05-28) Konrad Bärfuss, Holger Schmithüsen, Ruud Dirksen, Lutz Bretschneider, Falk Pätzold, Sven Bollmann, Heiko Wickboldt, Maximilianvon Unwerth, Magnus Asmussen, Tom Schwarting, and Astrid Lampert

Atmospheric profile measurements conducted by the unmanned aerial system LUCA (Panker, Germany 2021-10-25 to 2021-10-29) Konrad Bärfuss, Heiko Wickboldt, Andreas Schlerf, Sven Bollmann, Thomas Rausch, and Astrid Lampert

Radiosonde measurements co-located with ascends of the unmanned aerial system LUCA (Panker, Germany 2021-10-25 and 2021-10-29) Konrad Bärfuss, Heiko Wickboldt, Andreas Schlerf, Sven Bollmann, Thomas Rausch, and Astrid Lampert

Executive editor
The study makes a substantial promise with direct benefits for the society at large.
Short summary
The first atmospheric soundings with an electrically powered small uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) up to an altitude of 10 km are presented and assessed for quality, revealing the potential to augment atmospheric observations and fill observation gaps for numerical weather prediction. This is significant because of the need for high-resolution meteorological data, in particular in remote areas with limited in situ measurements, and for reference data for satellite measurement calibration.