Articles | Volume 16, issue 16
Research article
24 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 24 Aug 2023

The impact of Aeolus winds on near-surface wind forecasts over tropical ocean and high-latitude regions

Haichen Zuo and Charlotte Bay Hasager

Data sets

ECMWF Research Experiments ECMWF Research Department

Short summary
Aeolus is a satellite equipped with a Doppler wind lidar to detect global wind profiles. This study evaluates the impact of Aeolus winds on surface wind forecasts over tropical oceans and high-latitude regions based on the ECMWF observing system experiments. We find that Aeolus can slightly improve surface wind forecasts for the region > 60° N, especially from day 5 onwards. For other study regions, the impact of Aeolus is nearly neutral or limited, which requires further investigation.