Articles | Volume 16, issue 20
Research article
26 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 26 Oct 2023

Acoustic levitation of pollen and visualisation of hygroscopic behaviour

Sophie A. Mills, Adam Milsom, Christian Pfrang, A. Rob MacKenzie, and Francis D. Pope

Data sets

Research data supporting the publication "Acoustic levitation of pollen and visualisation of hygroscopic behaviour" S. A. Mills, A. Milsom, C. Pfrang, A. R. Mackenzie, and F. D. Pope

Short summary
Pollen grains are important components of the atmosphere and have the potential to impact upon cloud processes via their ability to help in the formation of rain droplets. This study investigates the hygroscopicity of two different pollen species using an acoustic levitator. Pollen grains are levitated, and their response to changes in relative humidity is investigated. A key advantage of this method is that it is possible study pollen shape under varying environmental conditions.