Articles | Volume 17, issue 10
Research article
28 May 2024
Research article |  | 28 May 2024

A lightweight holographic imager for cloud microphysical studies from an untethered balloon

Thomas Edward Chambers, Iain Murray Reid, and Murray Hamilton

Data sets

Data from the Untethered Balloon Launch of a Holographic Imager Into Cloud Near Adelaide, South Australia in August 2020 Thomas Edward Chambers et al.

Short summary
Clouds have been identified as the largest source of uncertainty in climate modelling. We report an untethered balloon launch of a holographic imager through clouds. This is the first time a holographic imager has been deployed in this way, enabled by the light weight and low cost of the imager. This work creates the potential to significantly increase the availability of cloud microphysical measurements required for the calibration and validation of climate models and remote sensing methods.