Articles | Volume 17, issue 14
Research article
19 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 19 Jul 2024

Determination of high-precision tropospheric delays using crowdsourced smartphone GNSS data

Yuanxin Pan, Grzegorz Kłopotek, Laura Crocetti, Rudi Weinacker, Tobias Sturn, Linda See, Galina Dick, Gregor Möller, Markus Rothacher, Ian McCallum, Vicente Navarro, and Benedikt Soja

Data sets

Determination of High-Precision Tropospheric Delays Using Crowdsourced Smartphone GNSS Data Yuanxin Pan

ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present H. Hersbach et al.

Prediction of tropospheric parameters L. Crocetti

Model code and software

YuanxinPan/PPPx_bin: Version 1.0.0 Yuanxin Pan

Short summary
Crowdsourced smartphone GNSS data were processed with a dedicated data processing pipeline and could produce millimeter-level accurate estimates of zenith total delay (ZTD) – a critical atmospheric variable. This breakthrough not only demonstrates the feasibility of using ubiquitous devices for high-precision atmospheric monitoring but also underscores the potential for a global, cost-effective tropospheric monitoring network.