Articles | Volume 17, issue 1
Research article
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09 Jan 2024
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 09 Jan 2024

Quantifying particulate matter optical properties and flow rate in industrial stack plumes from the PRISMA hyperspectral imager

Gabriel Calassou, Pierre-Yves Foucher, and Jean-François Léon


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Executive editor
Aerosol properties are usually retrieved on scales of 300-1000m, which is more than enough considering the spatial variability of aerosols. However, a higher spatial resolution is needed in some specific cases (volcanic eruptions, technogenic catastrophes, dust storms, military operations, and industrial pollution). Various parameters of the aerosol plume are needed, including the direction of propagation, spatial coverage, plume height, chemical composition and microstructure parameters. Such information is required for practical applications, including population warning systems. This paper is one of the first studies retrieving aerosol properties using spaceborne PRISMA hyperspectral 30m spatial resolution measurements. It opens the way for developing automatic procedures for monitoring aerosol plumes. The hyperspectral instrumentation can also be installed on airborne platforms and used to monitor particulate matter and gaseous components of pollution plumes.
Short summary
We propose analyzing the aerosol composition of plumes emitted by different industrial stacks using PRISMA satellite hyperspectral observations. Three industrial sites have been observed: a coal-fired power plant in South Africa, a steel plant in China, and gas flaring at an oil extraction site in Algeria. Aerosol optical thickness and particle radius are retrieved within the plumes. The mass flow rate of particulate matter is estimated in the plume using the integrated mass enhancement method.