Articles | Volume 7, issue 11
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© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under
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Improving HelioClim-3 estimates of surface solar irradiance using the McClear clear-sky model and recent advances in atmosphere composition
Z. Qu
MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, O.I.E. Centre for Observation, Impacts, Energy, CS 10207, rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX, France
B. Gschwind
MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, O.I.E. Centre for Observation, Impacts, Energy, CS 10207, rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX, France
M. Lefevre
MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, O.I.E. Centre for Observation, Impacts, Energy, CS 10207, rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX, France
MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, O.I.E. Centre for Observation, Impacts, Energy, CS 10207, rue Claude Daunesse, 06904 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX, France
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37 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Improvement of satellite-derived surface solar irradiance estimations using spatio-temporal extrapolation with statistical learning H. Verbois et al. 10.1016/j.solener.2023.04.037
- Worldwide inter-comparison of clear-sky solar radiation models: Consensus-based review of direct and global irradiance components simulated at the earth surface J. Ruiz-Arias & C. Gueymard 10.1016/j.solener.2018.02.008
- Validation of three satellite-derived databases of surface solar radiation using measurements performed at 42 stations in Brazil C. Thomas et al. 10.5194/asr-13-81-2016
- Validation of the new HelioClim-3 version 4 real-time and short-term forecast service using 14 BSRN stations C. Thomas et al. 10.5194/asr-13-129-2016
- Comparative Weibull distribution methods for reliable global solar irradiance assessment in France areas O. Kam et al. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.10.151
- Verifying the spatial consistency of the CAMS Radiation Service and HelioClim-3 satellite-derived databases of solar radiation using a dense network of measuring stations: the case of The Netherlands M. Marchand et al. 10.5194/asr-16-103-2019
- Impact of temporal and spatial variability of solar resource on technical sizing of isolated solar installations in Senegal using satellite data A. Sarr et al. 10.1016/j.egyr.2021.07.064
- Estimation of high-resolution solar irradiance data using optimized semi-empirical satellite method and GOES-16 imagery S. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.solener.2022.06.013
- Solar irradiance estimations for modeling the variability of photovoltaic generation and assessing violations of grid constraints: A comparison between satellite and pyranometers measurements with load flow simulations F. Sossan et al. 10.1063/1.5109076
- Validation of HelioClim-3 Version 4, HelioClim-3 Version 5 and MACC-RAD Using 14 BSRN Stations C. Thomas et al. 10.1016/j.egypro.2016.06.275
- Do modelled or satellite-based estimates of surface solar irradiance accurately describe its temporal variability? M. Bengulescu et al. 10.5194/asr-14-35-2017
- Estimation of Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation over China from Himawari-8 AHI Data Based on Random Forest N. Hou et al. 10.3390/rs12010181
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- A transferable turbidity estimation method for estimating clear-sky solar irradiance S. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.renene.2023.02.096
- Analysis of the diurnal cycles for a better understanding of the mean annual cycle of forests greenness in Central Africa N. Philippon et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.04.005
- Validation of Helioclim-3 irradiance with ground observations in Senegal using four typical climatic zones A. Sarr et al. 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.01.164
- Development of a Utility Model for the Measurement of Global Radiation in Photovoltaic Applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) R. C. et al. 10.3390/electronics8030304
- Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using HRV/MSG Data F. Romano et al. 10.3390/rs10081288
- Effects of clouds and aerosols on downwelling surface solar irradiance nowcasting and short-term forecasting K. Papachristopoulou et al. 10.5194/amt-17-1851-2024
- Comparison of several satellite-derived databases of surface solar radiation against ground measurement in Morocco M. Marchand et al. 10.5194/asr-15-21-2018
- Local estimation of the global horizontal irradiance using an all-sky camera E. Scolari et al. 10.1016/j.solener.2018.08.042
- C-IFS-CB05-BASCOE: stratospheric chemistry in the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF V. Huijnen et al. 10.5194/gmd-9-3071-2016
- Assessment of Several Empirical Relationships for Deriving Daily Means of UV-A Irradiance from Meteosat-Based Estimates of the Total Irradiance A. Aculinin et al. 10.3390/rs8070537
- Evaluating meso-scale change in performance of several databases of hourly surface irradiation in South-eastern Arabic Pensinsula M. Marchand et al. 10.5194/asr-14-7-2017
- Estimation of Direct Solar Radiation of Chad M. Hassane Babikir et al. 10.4236/epe.2018.105015
- An alternative cloud index for estimating downwelling surface solar irradiance from various satellite imagers in the framework of a Heliosat-V method B. Tournadre et al. 10.5194/amt-15-3683-2022
- Atmospheric aerosols and their impact on surface solar irradiation in Kerkennah Islands (eastern Tunisia) A. Trabelsi et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.04.006
- Downwelling surface solar irradiance in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: a comparison of re-analyses and satellite-derived data sets to PIRATA measurements M. Trolliet et al. 10.5194/os-14-1021-2018
- Association of UV radiation with Parkinson disease incidence: A nationwide French ecologic study A. Kravietz et al. 10.1016/j.envres.2016.12.008
- Comparison between MRM simulations, CAMS and PVGIS databases with measured solar radiation components at the Methoni station, Greece B. Psiloglou et al. 10.1016/j.renene.2019.07.064
- Preliminary survey on site-adaptation techniques for satellite-derived and reanalysis solar radiation datasets J. Polo et al. 10.1016/j.solener.2016.03.001
- Estimations of Global Horizontal Irradiance and Direct Normal Irradiance by Using Fengyun-4A Satellite Data in Northern China D. Jia et al. 10.3390/rs13040790
- Agricultural activities and the incidence of Parkinson’s disease in the general French population S. Kab et al. 10.1007/s10654-017-0229-z
- Monthly solar radiation in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: Can its spatial variations be captured by the current configuration of the PIRATA moorings? M. Trolliet & L. Wald 10.5194/asr-15-127-2018
- Smart Approaches for Evaluating Photosynthetically Active Radiation at Various Stations Based on MSG Prime Satellite Imagery C. Thomas et al. 10.3390/atmos14081259
- Validation of Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance for Two Satellite-Derived Datasets in Northeast Iraq B. Ameen et al. 10.3390/rs10101651
- A Transferable Turbidity Estimation Method for Estimating Clear-Sky Solar Irradiance S. Chen et al. 10.2139/ssrn.4146373
37 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Improvement of satellite-derived surface solar irradiance estimations using spatio-temporal extrapolation with statistical learning H. Verbois et al. 10.1016/j.solener.2023.04.037
- Worldwide inter-comparison of clear-sky solar radiation models: Consensus-based review of direct and global irradiance components simulated at the earth surface J. Ruiz-Arias & C. Gueymard 10.1016/j.solener.2018.02.008
- Validation of three satellite-derived databases of surface solar radiation using measurements performed at 42 stations in Brazil C. Thomas et al. 10.5194/asr-13-81-2016
- Validation of the new HelioClim-3 version 4 real-time and short-term forecast service using 14 BSRN stations C. Thomas et al. 10.5194/asr-13-129-2016
- Comparative Weibull distribution methods for reliable global solar irradiance assessment in France areas O. Kam et al. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.10.151
- Verifying the spatial consistency of the CAMS Radiation Service and HelioClim-3 satellite-derived databases of solar radiation using a dense network of measuring stations: the case of The Netherlands M. Marchand et al. 10.5194/asr-16-103-2019
- Impact of temporal and spatial variability of solar resource on technical sizing of isolated solar installations in Senegal using satellite data A. Sarr et al. 10.1016/j.egyr.2021.07.064
- Estimation of high-resolution solar irradiance data using optimized semi-empirical satellite method and GOES-16 imagery S. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.solener.2022.06.013
- Solar irradiance estimations for modeling the variability of photovoltaic generation and assessing violations of grid constraints: A comparison between satellite and pyranometers measurements with load flow simulations F. Sossan et al. 10.1063/1.5109076
- Validation of HelioClim-3 Version 4, HelioClim-3 Version 5 and MACC-RAD Using 14 BSRN Stations C. Thomas et al. 10.1016/j.egypro.2016.06.275
- Do modelled or satellite-based estimates of surface solar irradiance accurately describe its temporal variability? M. Bengulescu et al. 10.5194/asr-14-35-2017
- Estimation of Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation over China from Himawari-8 AHI Data Based on Random Forest N. Hou et al. 10.3390/rs12010181
- Validation of the Surface Downwelling Solar Irradiance Estimates of the HelioClim-3 Database in Egypt Y. Eissa et al. 10.3390/rs70709269
- A transferable turbidity estimation method for estimating clear-sky solar irradiance S. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.renene.2023.02.096
- Analysis of the diurnal cycles for a better understanding of the mean annual cycle of forests greenness in Central Africa N. Philippon et al. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.04.005
- Validation of Helioclim-3 irradiance with ground observations in Senegal using four typical climatic zones A. Sarr et al. 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.01.164
- Development of a Utility Model for the Measurement of Global Radiation in Photovoltaic Applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) R. C. et al. 10.3390/electronics8030304
- Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using HRV/MSG Data F. Romano et al. 10.3390/rs10081288
- Effects of clouds and aerosols on downwelling surface solar irradiance nowcasting and short-term forecasting K. Papachristopoulou et al. 10.5194/amt-17-1851-2024
- Comparison of several satellite-derived databases of surface solar radiation against ground measurement in Morocco M. Marchand et al. 10.5194/asr-15-21-2018
- Local estimation of the global horizontal irradiance using an all-sky camera E. Scolari et al. 10.1016/j.solener.2018.08.042
- C-IFS-CB05-BASCOE: stratospheric chemistry in the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF V. Huijnen et al. 10.5194/gmd-9-3071-2016
- Assessment of Several Empirical Relationships for Deriving Daily Means of UV-A Irradiance from Meteosat-Based Estimates of the Total Irradiance A. Aculinin et al. 10.3390/rs8070537
- Evaluating meso-scale change in performance of several databases of hourly surface irradiation in South-eastern Arabic Pensinsula M. Marchand et al. 10.5194/asr-14-7-2017
- Estimation of Direct Solar Radiation of Chad M. Hassane Babikir et al. 10.4236/epe.2018.105015
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- Atmospheric aerosols and their impact on surface solar irradiation in Kerkennah Islands (eastern Tunisia) A. Trabelsi et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.04.006
- Downwelling surface solar irradiance in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: a comparison of re-analyses and satellite-derived data sets to PIRATA measurements M. Trolliet et al. 10.5194/os-14-1021-2018
- Association of UV radiation with Parkinson disease incidence: A nationwide French ecologic study A. Kravietz et al. 10.1016/j.envres.2016.12.008
- Comparison between MRM simulations, CAMS and PVGIS databases with measured solar radiation components at the Methoni station, Greece B. Psiloglou et al. 10.1016/j.renene.2019.07.064
- Preliminary survey on site-adaptation techniques for satellite-derived and reanalysis solar radiation datasets J. Polo et al. 10.1016/j.solener.2016.03.001
- Estimations of Global Horizontal Irradiance and Direct Normal Irradiance by Using Fengyun-4A Satellite Data in Northern China D. Jia et al. 10.3390/rs13040790
- Agricultural activities and the incidence of Parkinson’s disease in the general French population S. Kab et al. 10.1007/s10654-017-0229-z
- Monthly solar radiation in the tropical Atlantic Ocean: Can its spatial variations be captured by the current configuration of the PIRATA moorings? M. Trolliet & L. Wald 10.5194/asr-15-127-2018
- Smart Approaches for Evaluating Photosynthetically Active Radiation at Various Stations Based on MSG Prime Satellite Imagery C. Thomas et al. 10.3390/atmos14081259
- Validation of Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance for Two Satellite-Derived Datasets in Northeast Iraq B. Ameen et al. 10.3390/rs10101651
- A Transferable Turbidity Estimation Method for Estimating Clear-Sky Solar Irradiance S. Chen et al. 10.2139/ssrn.4146373
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Latest update: 14 Feb 2025
Short summary
The HelioClim-3 database (HC3v3) provides records of surface solar irradiation every 15 min estimated by processing images from the geostationary meteorological Meteosat satellites using climatological data sets of atmospheric properties. A method is proposed to improve a posteriori HC3v3 by combining it with data records of advanced global aerosol property forecasts and physically consistent total column content in water vapour and ozone produced by the MACC projects.
The HelioClim-3 database (HC3v3) provides records of surface solar irradiation every 15 min...