Articles | Volume 8, issue 3
Research article
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12 Mar 2015
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 12 Mar 2015

A novel algorithm for detection of precipitation in tropical regions using PMW radiometers

D. Casella, G. Panegrossi, P. Sanò, L. Milani, M. Petracca, and S. Dietrich


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Short summary
The CCA algorithm is applicable to any modern passive microwave radiometer on board polar orbiting satellites; it has been developed using a data set of co-located SSMIS and TRMM-PR measurements and AMSU-MHS and TRMM-PR measurements. The algorithm shows a small rate of false alarms and superior detection capability and can efficiently detect (POD between 0.55 and 0.71) minimum rain rate varying from 0.14 mm/h (AMSU over ocean) to 0.41 (SSMIS over coast).