Articles | Volume 9, issue 6
Research article
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28 Jun 2016
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 28 Jun 2016

Increasing the accuracy and temporal resolution of two-filter radon–222 measurements by correcting for the instrument response

Alan D. Griffiths, Scott D. Chambers, Alastair G. Williams, and Sylvester Werczynski


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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Short summary
Surface-based two-filter radon detectors monitor the ambient concentration of atmospheric radon-222, a natural tracer of mixing and transport. They are sensitive, but respond slowly to ambient changes in radon concentration. In this paper, a deconvolution method is used to successfully correct observations for the instrument response. Case studies demonstrate that it is beneficial, sometimes necessary, to account for the detector response, especially when studying near-surface mixing.