Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
30 May 2018
Research article |  | 30 May 2018

Snowfall retrieval at X, Ka and W bands: consistency of backscattering and microphysical properties using BAECC ground-based measurements

Marta Tecla Falconi, Annakaisa von Lerber, Davide Ori, Frank Silvio Marzano, and Dmitri Moisseev


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Short summary
Estimating snowfall intensity from satellite and ground-based radar missions requires accurate retrieval models. Reflectivity–snowfall relations are obtained at cm and mm wavelengths using data recorded during the Biogenic Aerosols Effects on Clouds and Climate (BAECC) campaign in Finland. Lightly, moderately and heavily rimed snow cases are identified. Numerical simulations are performed to relate snowflake microphysical (video disdrometer) and multifrequency backscattering properties (radars).