Articles | Volume 15, issue 16
Research article
30 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 30 Aug 2022

Sensitivity analysis of DSD retrievals from polarimetric radar in stratiform rain based on the μ–Λ relationship

Christos Gatidis, Marc Schleiss, and Christine Unal

Data sets

ACCEPT campaign -- Parsivel disdrometer Drop Size Distribution (DSD) C. Gatidis, M. Schleiss, and C. Unal

Short summary
Knowledge of the raindrop size distribution (DSD) is crucial for understanding rainfall microphysics and quantifying uncertainty in quantitative precipitation estimates. In this study a general overview of the DSD retrieval approach from a polarimetric radar is discussed, highlighting sensitivity to potential sources of errors, either directly linked to the radar measurements or indirectly through the critical modeling assumptions behind the method such as the shape–size (μ–Λ) relationship.