Articles | Volume 16, issue 17
Research article
07 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 07 Sep 2023

Cloud top heights and aerosol layer properties from EarthCARE lidar observations: the A-CTH and A-ALD products

Ulla Wandinger, Moritz Haarig, Holger Baars, David Donovan, and Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff

Data sets

EarthCARE level-2 demonstration products from simulated scenes Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff, Howard W. Barker, Edward Baudrez, Sebastian Bley, Nicolas Clerbaux, Jason N. S. Cole, Jos de Kloe, Nicole Docter, Carlos Domenech, David P. Donovan, Jean-Louis Dufresne, Michael Eisinger, Juergen Fischer, Raquel García-Marañón, Moritz Haarig, Robin J. Hogan, Anja Hünerbein, Pavlos Kollias, Rob Koopman, Nils Madenach, Shannon L. Mason, Rene Preusker, Bernat Puigdomènech Treserras, Zhipeng Qu, Manuel Ruiz-Saldaña, Mark Shephard, Almudena Velázquez-Blazquez, Najda Villefranque, Ulla Wandinger, Ping Wang, and Tobias Wehr

Short summary
We introduce the algorithms that have been developed to derive cloud top height and aerosol layer products from observations with the Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID) onboard the Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE). The products provide information on the uppermost cloud and geometrical and optical properties of aerosol layers in an atmospheric column. They can be used individually but also serve as input for algorithms that combine observations with EarthCARE’s lidar and imager.