Articles | Volume 16, issue 17
Research article
11 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 11 Sep 2023

Retrieval of temperature and humidity profiles from ground-based high-resolution infrared observations using an adaptive fast iterative algorithm

Wei Huang, Lei Liu, Bin Yang, Shuai Hu, Wanying Yang, Zhenfeng Li, Wantong Li, and Xiaofan Yang


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Short summary
To improve the retrieval speed of the AERI optimal estimation (AERIoe) method, a fast-retrieval algorithm named Fast AERIoe is proposed on the basis of the findings that the change in Jacobians during the retrieval process had little effect on the performance of AERIoe. The results of the experiment show that the retrieved profiles from Fast AERIoe are comparable to those of AERIoe and that the retrieval speed is significantly improved, with the average retrieval time reduced by 59 %.