Articles | Volume 16, issue 20
Research article
24 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 24 Oct 2023

Evaluation of a wind tunnel designed to investigate the response of evaporation to changes in the incoming long-wave radiation at a water surface

Michael L. Roderick, Chathuranga Jayarathne, Angus J. Rummery, and Callum J. Shakespeare

Data sets

Evaluation of a wind tunnel designed to investigate the response of evaporation to changes in the incoming longwave radiation at a water surface (V12 (Final)) Michael Roderick, Chathuranga Jayarathne, Angus Rummery, and Callum Shakespeare

Short summary
Terrestrial radiation emitted by the Earth's atmosphere (long wave) is a key component of the energy balance at the Earth's surface. An important research question is how this terrestrial radiation is coupled to the evaporation of water at the surface. In this work, we evaluate a new laboratory wind tunnel system designed to measure the evaporation rate of a water surface exposed to different levels of terrestrial radiation.