Articles | Volume 17, issue 16
Research article
20 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 20 Aug 2024

Number- and size-controlled rainfall regimes in the Netherlands: physical reality or statistical mirage?

Marc Schleiss

Data sets

Precipitation - 10 seconds measurements by Ruisdael Micro Rain Radar (Metek) in Cabauw KNMI Data Platform

Meteo profiles - validated tower profiles of wind, dew point, temperature and visibility at 10 minute interval at Cabauw KNMI Data Platform

Short summary
Research is conducted to identify special rainfall patterns in the Netherlands using multiple types of rainfall sensors. A total of eight potentially unique events are analyzed, considering both the number and size of raindrops. However, no clear evidence supporting the existence of a special rainfall regime could be found. The results highlight the challenges in experimentally confirming well-established theoretical ideas in the field of precipitation sciences.