Articles | Volume 17, issue 18
Research article
26 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2024

UAV-based in situ measurements of CO2 and CH4 fluxes over complex natural ecosystems

Abdullah Bolek, Martin Heimann, and Mathias Göckede

Data sets

ETC L2 Fluxnet (half-hourly), Abisko-Stordalen Palsa Bog, 2021-12-31–2023-08-31 E. Lundin et al.

ETC L2 Fluxes, Abisko-Stordalen Palsa Bog, 2021-12-31–2023-12-31 E. Lundin et al.

European Obspack compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data from ICOS and non-ICOS European stations for the period 1972-2024; obspack_co2_466_GVeu_v10.0_20240729 (Obspack CO2 time-series result, Lindenberg (10.0 m): ICOS RI et al.

European Obspack compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data from ICOS and non-ICOS European stations for the period 1972-2024; obspack_co2_466_GVeu_v10.0_20240729 (Obspack CO2 time-series result, Lindenberg (2.5 m): ICOS RI et al.

Short summary
This study describes the development of a new UAV platform to measure atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) mole fractions, 2D wind speed, air temperature, humidity, and pressure. Understanding GHG flux processes and controls across various ecosystems is essential for estimating the current and future state of climate change. It was shown that using the UAV platform for such measurements is beneficial for improving our understanding of GHG processes over complex landscapes.