I thank the authors of "Separating and Quantifying Facility-Level Methane Emissions with Overlapping Plumes for Spaceborne Methane Monitoring" for the substantial update of this manuscript following the reviews and for their detailed answers to my comments, even when they have removed the corresponding sections in the manuscript. I also thank them for their transparency with regard to the bias in the comparison between the Gaussian plume model fitting and the IME quantification methods due to the limitation of the image size in their experiments.
Many of the updates are satisfying. However, I still push for a revision of the manuscript, because even though they partially tackled them, going in the right direction, the authors did not fully address some of the comments I have raised in the previous review. Here, I do not copy paste these comments from the 1st review, but I refer to them in the following:
- I think that the abstract, introduction, section 2.1 and parts of the conclusion still lack a very clear and explicit overview of
a) the split of the image processing into separation or "attribution" - detection (including the extraction of the enhancements above the background corresponding to the plumes) - quantification => the three steps that the authors promise to discuss in their answers to my comments, but which do not really appear as such in the new manuscript
b) the 4 different combinations of methods for these 3 steps that will be tested:
the method developed here, i.e., the sequence of Gaussian plume model fitting for separation, student’s t-test for detection and then the IME for quantification
vs. the sequence of student’s t-test for the detection, the "pixel connectivity analysis" for the "attribution", and then the IME for the quantification
vs. the single Gaussian plume model fitting, ignoring the problem of separation, and solving for the "attribution", detection and quantification all together (still extracting the background before this process ?)
vs. multiple Gaussian plume model fitting, solving for the 3-steps all together, taking the separation problem as a problem of solving for several sources at once
=> a table somewhere in section 2 may help clarify things
=> the abstract should mainly clarify the separation between separation with Gaussian plume model and quantification with IME (line 4-5 misses something like "respectively" for this) and the alternative use of Gaussian plume model fitting for both (info missing at line 11). The other sections should bring this overall picture quite early before entering into technical details. In the introduction, lines 50-69, 73-79 and then 80-81/88/89 mix everything. The introduction of section 2.1 is focused on the new method and none of the following subsections will provide a clear overview highlighting in a distinct way the "3 steps" and the alternative methods: from 2.1.1, the text jumps into technical details.
I think that the presentation of the "pixel connectivity analysis" could be improved: clarifying the fact that it attempts at "separating" plumes which do not overlap, but that it would merge all overlapping plumes into a single one (unless it includes some level of separation of overlapping plumes ?) ? I think that calling it a "pixel attribution" method is a bit misleading from that point of view.
- regarding the implicit optimization of sigma_y when optimizing the wind speed u in the frame of the Gaussian plume model fitting => the text is not really clear about this, sigma_y could have been fixed offline with an initial value given to u; so I think that the text should state it, and maybe the notation sigma_y(x) could be changed into sigma_y(x,u) to highlight it better ?
- observation noise: you should provide typical values using the same units (g/m2) as when plotting the plumes and compare them to the typical amplitude of the observed plumes. I think that section 3.2 should refer to the new supplementary material and summarize the conclusions from this supplementary material.
- regarding the wind: the text is not clear; once having introduced equation 1 (l. 110-111), the authors directly speak about "the" 2D wind vector (implicitly: about the 2D effective wind) as if there was a clear definition for such a 2D wind, and later they have values for the true 2D wind (e.g. at lines 149-151, and then after equation 7, where they fit it with a log function of U10). However, the derivation of the effective 2D wind driving the 2D plumes seen from space can be a complicated topic. How do the authors get it when tackling the 3D LES simulations (it seems that they implicitly assume it to be the geostrophic wind, because of the similarity between the ranges at lines 206 and 250, which would raise questions) ? Could the optimal wind derived from the Gaussian plume model fitting differ from what the author assume to be the effective wind, because of a wrong derivation a priori of this effective wind ? In this case, may the use of the log function of U10 in the IME instead of the wind retrieved from the Gaussian plume fitting not be the best option ?
- There was some misunderstanding regarding the background: in my comment, I was not speaking about the variations due to errors in the CH4 concentration retrievals. I was speaking about the impact of the CH4 sources located outside the satellite image. The frequent vicinity of sources within the images implies the frequent vicinity of other clusters of sources outside the images whose plumes all together may raise larger problems of overlapping than the sources within the image. There could also be areas sources close to the targeted sources, whose atmospheric signal overlaps the global background. If such a problem has been ignored, it should be explained in the method section. The manuscript should clarify whether the detection-quantification steps assume that the background field is uniform to derive the CH4 "enhancements" (the term is used but not really defined; it corresponds to the enhancements above the background). Lines 144-146 (and equation 5) completely ignore the background field (which adds to the general problem of the lack of overview on the "3 steps" to process the images that is discussed above).
- regression problem vs. parameter estimation problem in section 2.4.2: replacing the former by the latter does not solve for the issue here since the text still states in the next sentence "So, the R2 coefficient of determination is introduced to indicate the accuracy of overall estimation results", and at line 308 "regression results"
- I still do not understand the "correction" of the SEP results in section 3.3: I understand that debiasing the results improve their accuracy, but what authorizes the authors to apply such a correction which is completely based on the knowledge of the true emissions ? What is the applicability of such a correction if considering experiments with real images ?
- equations: C_n must be defined mathematically to be used in the right hand side of eq3; I still have the feeling that eq3 works with C instead of Cn in this right hand side, and, actually, line 130-131 is not consistent with the current eq3; l. 174: just say Cp is the modeling of plume p, but anyway, this definition has already be given around eq3 (don’t redefine it several times; actually, C is redefined plenty of times throughout the manuscript); equation 8: should not you write i’_n j’_n ? should not eq8 look as similar as eq 3 and eq4 as possible (for the sake of clarity) since it’s a similar process ? line 334: isn’t it i’ and j’ rather than i and j ?
- Please rewrite sentences such as: "Although there have been abundant spaceborne methane observations, these observations suffer from the demerit of the lack of priors" (l 197), "The LES run by WRF is thus a preferred option for spaceborne GHG monitoring ." (l 201-202) |