Articles | Volume 9, issue 11
Review article
08 Nov 2016
Review article |  | 08 Nov 2016

Review of the state of the art and future prospects of the ground-based GNSS meteorology in Europe

Guergana Guerova, Jonathan Jones, Jan Douša, Galina Dick, Siebren de Haan, Eric Pottiaux, Olivier Bock, Rosa Pacione, Gunnar Elgered, Henrik Vedel, and Michael Bender

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Cited articles

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Baelen, J. V., Reverdy, M., Tridon, F., Labbouz, L., Dick, G., Bender, M., and Hagen, M.: On the relationship between water vapour field evolution and the life cycle of precipitation systems, Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 137, 204–223,, 2011.
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Short summary
Application of global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) for atmospheric remote sensing (GNSS meteorology) is a well-established field in both research and operation in Europe. This review covers the state of the art in GNSS meteorology in Europe. It discusses 1) advances in GNSS processing techniques and tropospheric products, 2) use in numerical weather prediction and nowcasting, and 3) climate research.