Articles | Volume 9, issue 11
Research article
14 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 14 Nov 2016

The new Passive microwave Neural network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR) algorithm for the cross-track scanning ATMS radiometer: description and verification study over Europe and Africa using GPM and TRMM spaceborne radars

Paolo Sanò, Giulia Panegrossi, Daniele Casella, Anna C. Marra, Francesco Di Paola, and Stefano Dietrich


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Short summary
The objective of this paper is to describe the development and evaluate the performance of a totally new version of the Passive microwave Neural network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR v2), an algorithm based on a neural network approach, designed to retrieve the instantaneous surface precipitation rate using the cross-track ATMS radiometer measurements.