Articles | Volume 10, issue 8
Research article
23 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 23 Aug 2017

Evaluation of turbulence measurement techniques from a single Doppler lidar

Timothy A. Bonin, Aditya Choukulkar, W. Alan Brewer, Scott P. Sandberg, Ann M. Weickmann, Yelena L. Pichugina, Robert M. Banta, Steven P. Oncley, and Daniel E. Wolfe

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Cited articles

Adler, B. and Kalthoff, N.: Multi-scale Transport Processes Observed in the Boundary Layer over a Mountainous Island, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 153, 515–537,, 2014.
Arya, S. P.: Air Pollution Meteorology and Dispersion, Oxford University Press, 310 pp., 1999.
Banta, R. M., Newsom, R. K., Lundquist, J. K., Pichugina, Y. L., Coulter, R. L., and Mahrt, L.: Nocturnal low-level jet characteristics over Kansas during CASES-99, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 105, 221–252, 2002.
Banta, R. M., Pichugina, Y. L., and Brewer, W. A.: Turbulent velocity-variance profiles in the stable boundary layer generated by a nocturnal low-level jet, J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 2700–2719, 2006.
Short summary
Three different techniques for measuring turbulent quantities from a single Doppler lidar are evaluated against in situ observations for verification. A six-beam method generally produced the most accurate measurements of the turbulence quantities evaluated. Generally, turbulence kinetic energy can be accurately measured across all scales from a Doppler lidar. Individual velocity variances are measured less accurately, and velocity covariances are shown to be difficult to measure.