Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
01 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 01 Jul 2022

The surface longwave cloud radiative effect derived from space lidar observations

Assia Arouf, Hélène Chepfer, Thibault Vaillant de Guélis, Marjolaine Chiriaco, Matthew D. Shupe, Rodrigo Guzman, Artem Feofilov, Patrick Raberanto, Tristan S. L'Ecuyer, Seiji Kato, and Michael R. Gallagher

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Arouf, A., Chepfer, H., Vaillant de Guélis, T., Guzman, R., Feofilov, A., and Raberanto, P.: Longwave Cloud Radiative Effect derived from Space Lidar Observations at the Surface and TOA – Edition 1: Monthly Gridded Product, IPSL [data set],, 2022. 
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Short summary
We proposed new estimates of the surface longwave (LW) cloud radiative effect (CRE) derived from observations collected by a space-based lidar on board the CALIPSO satellite and radiative transfer computations. Our estimate appropriately captures the surface LW CRE annual variability over bright polar surfaces, and it provides a dataset more than 13 years long.