Articles | Volume 15, issue 21
Research article
11 Nov 2022
Research article |  | 11 Nov 2022

Technique for comparison of backscatter coefficients derived from in situ cloud probe measurements with concurrent airborne lidar

Shawn Wendell Wagner and David James Delene

Data sets

Analysis of Concurrent Backscatter Coefficients from In-situ Cloud Probes and Airborne Lidar Shawn Wagner and David Delene

Model code and software

Software for OAP Data Analysis Version 2 Aaron Bansemer

Airborne data processing and analysis software package David Delene

MiePlot Philip Laven

OID Analysis Version 1 Shawn Wagner and David Delene

Airborne Data Processing and Analysis Software Package (Version 3981) David Delene, Andrew Skow, Joseph O'Brien, Nicholas Gapp, Shawn Wagner, Kurt Hibert, Kendra Sand, and Greg Sova

Airborne Data Processing Analysis Files D. Delene, A. Neumann, J. O'Brien, and N. Gapp

Short summary
Jet engine power loss due to ice accumulation is a hazard in high-altitude clouds. A potential tool for informing pilots when entering such clouds is an onboard lidar system. Lidar and wing-mounted probe backscatter coefficients agree within uncertainties for liquid clouds but not for ice clouds. The lidar measurements are correlated with total water content over a broad range of environments, which indicates that the lidar system is useful for detecting hazardous ice cloud conditions.