Articles | Volume 16, issue 13
Research article
05 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 05 Jul 2023

Incorporating EarthCARE observations into a multi-lidar cloud climate record: the ATLID (Atmospheric Lidar) cloud climate product

Artem G. Feofilov, Hélène Chepfer, Vincent Noël, and Frederic Szczap

Data sets

Monthly global grids of lidar-consistent opaque cloud fractions and altitude of attenuation 2008-2034 according to predictions from CESM2 and IPSL-CM6 GCMs V. Noel

Short summary
The response of clouds to human-induced climate warming remains the largest source of uncertainty in model predictions of climate. We consider cloud retrievals from spaceborne observations, the existing CALIOP lidar and future ATLID lidar; show how they compare for the same scenes; and discuss the advantage of adding a new lidar for detecting cloud changes in the long run. We show that ATLID's advanced technology should allow for better detecting thinner clouds during daytime than before.