Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
Research article
07 Jan 2025
Research article |  | 07 Jan 2025

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) radio occultation climatologies mapped by machine learning and Bayesian interpolation

Endrit Shehaj, Stephen Leroy, Kerri Cahoy, Alain Geiger, Laura Crocetti, Gregor Moeller, Benedikt Soja, and Markus Rothacher

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Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 5287–5307,,, 2022
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Subject: Others (Wind, Precipitation, Temperature, etc.) | Technique: Remote Sensing | Topic: Data Processing and Information Retrieval
GNSS-RO residual ionospheric error (RIE): a new method and assessment
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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 18, 843–863,,, 2025
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Benchmarking KDP in rainfall: a quantitative assessment of estimation algorithms using C-band weather radar observations
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Cited articles

Aichinger-Rosenberger, M., Brockmann, E., Crocetti, L., Soja, B., and Moeller, G.: Machine learning-based prediction of Alpine foehn events using GNSS troposphere products: first results for Altdorf, Switzerland, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 5821–5839,, 2022. 
Crocetti, L., Schartner, M., and Soja, B.: Discontinuity Detection in GNSS Station Coordinate Time Series Using Machine Learning, Remote Sens., 13, 3906,, 2021. 
Crocetti, L., Schartner, M., Zus, F., Zhang, W., Moeller, G., Navarro, V., See, L., Schindler, K., and Soja, B.: Global, spatially explicit modelling of zenith wet delay with XGBoost, J. Geod., 98, 23,, 2024. 
ECMWF: IFS documentation, (last access: 31 July 2023), 2023. 
Foelsche, U., Borsche, M., Steiner, A., Gobiet, A., Pirscher, B., Kirchengast, G., Wickert, J., and Schmidt, T.: Observing upper troposphere–lower stratosphere climate with radio occultation data from the CHAMP satellite, Clim. Dynam., 31, 49–65,, 2008. 
Short summary
This work investigates whether machine learning (ML) can offer an alternative to existing methods to map radio occultation (RO) products, allowing the extraction of information not visible in direct observations. ML can further improve the results of Bayesian interpolation, a state-of-the-art method to map RO observations. The results display improvements in horizontal and temporal domains, at heights ranging from the planetary boundary layer up to the lower stratosphere, and for all seasons.