Articles | Volume 8, issue 7
Research article
08 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 08 Jul 2015

Efficient photochemical generation of peroxycarboxylic nitric anhydrides with ultraviolet light-emitting diodes

N. D. Rider, Y. M. Taha, C. A. Odame-Ankrah, J. A. Huo, T. W. Tokarek, E. Cairns, S. G. Moussa, J. Liggio, and H. D. Osthoff


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Short summary
A photochemical source of peroxycarboxylic nitric anhydrides (PANs) in which a dialkyl ketone (acetone, diethyl-, di-isopropyl, or di-n-propyl ketone) in the presence of oxygen and nitric oxide is photodissociated by arrays of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) is described. The source output was analyzed by gas chromatography and thermal dissociation cavity ring-down spectroscopy and modeled using the Master Chemical Mechanism.