Articles | Volume 8, issue 10
Research article
14 Oct 2015
Research article |  | 14 Oct 2015

Impacts of AMSU-A, MHS and IASI data assimilation on temperature and humidity forecasts with GSI–WRF over the western United States

Y. Bao, J. Xu, A. M. Powell Jr., M. Shao, J. Min, and Y. Pan


Short summary
The regional GSI-WRF system is underestimating the observed temperature in the LT and overestimating in the UT and LS. The microwave (MW) data assimilation (DA) reduced the forecast bias from the MT to the LS within 30-hour forecasts, and the conventional (CON) DA kept a smaller forecast bias in the LT for 2-day forecasts. The smallest bias in the humidity forecast occurred at the surface and in the UT. The DA experiments apparently reduced the bias from the LT to UT, especially for the IR DA.