Articles | Volume 16, issue 7
Research article
13 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 13 Apr 2023

Differences in MOPITT surface level CO retrievals and trends from Level 2 and Level 3 products in coastal grid boxes

Ian Ashpole and Aldona Wiacek

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).
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Subject: Gases | Technique: Remote Sensing | Topic: Data Processing and Information Retrieval
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Cited articles

Ashpole, I. and Wiacek, A.: Impact of land–water sensitivity contrast on MOPITT retrievals and trends over a coastal city, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 3521–3542,, 2020. 
Ashpole, I. and Wiacek, A.: Land- and water-only Level 3 products from MOPITT TIR-NIR Version 8 CO retrievals, V1, Borealis [data set],, 2022. 
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Short summary
The MOPITT instrument has been measuring atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) from space since 2000. Its data products are valuable for CO trend analysis. This paper compares products with different spatial resolutions to identify discrepancies in mean CO amounts and detectable trends for coastal grid boxes. It is found that CO amounts and trends differ significantly between data products for a large number of these grid boxes, essentially due to how the coarser-resolution products are created.