Articles | Volume 16, issue 13
Research article
12 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 12 Jul 2023

A unified synergistic retrieval of clouds, aerosols, and precipitation from EarthCARE: the ACM-CAP product

Shannon L. Mason, Robin J. Hogan, Alessio Bozzo, and Nicola L. Pounder

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Cited articles

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Barker, H. W., Cole, J. N. S., Qu, Z., Villefranque, N., and Shephard, M.: Radiative closure assessment of retrieved cloud and aerosol properties for the EarthCARE mission: the ACMB-DF product, in preparation, 2023. a, b
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Short summary
We present a method for accurately estimating the contents and properties of clouds, snow, rain, and aerosols through the atmosphere, using the combined measurements of the radar, lidar, and radiometer instruments aboard the upcoming EarthCARE satellite, and evaluate the performance of the retrieval, using test scenes simulated from a numerical forecast model. When EarthCARE is in operation, these quantities and their estimated uncertainties will be distributed in a data product called ACM-CAP.