Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Research article
02 Feb 2017
Research article |  | 02 Feb 2017

Cloud and DNI nowcasting with MSG/SEVIRI for the optimized operation of concentrating solar power plants

Tobias Sirch, Luca Bugliaro, Tobias Zinner, Matthias Möhrlein, and Margarita Vazquez-Navarro

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Short summary
A novel approach for the nowcasting of clouds and direct normal irradiance (DNI) based on the geostationary satellite MSG is presented. The basis of the algorithm is an optical flow method to derive cloud motion vectors for low and high level clouds separately. DNI is calculated from the forecasted optical thickness of the clouds. Validation against MSG observations shows good performance: compared to persistence an improvement of forecast horizon by a factor of 2 is reached for 2 h forecasts.