Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
10 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 10 Jan 2018

Measurement of atmospheric CO2 column concentrations to cloud tops with a pulsed multi-wavelength airborne lidar

Jianping Mao, Anand Ramanathan, James B. Abshire, Stephan R. Kawa, Haris Riris, Graham R. Allan, Michael Rodriguez, William E. Hasselbrack, Xiaoli Sun, Kenji Numata, Jeff Chen, Yonghoon Choi, and Mei Ying Melissa Yang

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Retrieval algorithm for the column CO2 mixing ratio from pulsed multi-wavelength lidar measurements
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Cited articles

Aben, I., Hasekamp, O., and Hartmann, W.: Uncertainties in the space-based measurements Of CO2 columns due to scattering in the Earth's atmosphere, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Ra., 104, 450–459, 2007. 
Abshire, J. B., Riris, H., Allan, G. R., Weaver, C. J., Mao, J., Sun, X., Hasselbrack, W. E., Kawa, S. R., and Biraud, S.: Pulsed airborne lidar measurements of atmospheric CO2 column absorption, Tellus, 62, 770–783, 2010. 
Abshire, J. B., Riris, H., Weaver, C. W., Mao, J., Allan, G. R., Hasselbrack, W. E., Weaver, C. J., and Browell, E. W.: Airborne measurements of CO2 column absorption and range using a pulsed direct-detection integrated path differential absorption lidar, Appl. Opt., 52, 4446–4461, 2013. 
Abshire, J. B., Ramanathan, A., Riris, H., Mao, J., Allan, G. R., Hasselbrack, W. E., Weaver, C. J., and Browell, E. W.: Airborne Measurements of CO2 Column Concentration and Range using a Pulsed Direct-Detection IPDA Lidar, P. Soc. Photo-Opt. Ins., 6, 443–469,, 2014. 
Abshire, J. B., Ramanathan, A., Riris, H., Allan, G. R., Sun, X., Hasselbrack, W. E., Mao, J., Wu, S., Chen, J., Numata, K., Kawa, S. R., Yang, M. Y., and DiGangi, J.: Airborne Measurements of CO2 Column Concentrations made with a Pulsed IPDA Lidar using a Multiple-Wavelength-Locked Laser and HgCdTe APD Detector, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,, in review, 2017. 
Short summary
Precise global measurement of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is needed to understand carbon–climate feedbacks. Ideally we would measure from space 24/7 over all land and sea surfaces, in all-sky conditions, clouds, haze or dust and achieve near 100 % usable data. NASA-GSFC has developed a laser instrument to measure CO2 from an aircraft flying at over 40 000 feet as a satellite precursor. Here we demonstrate this measurement capability, highlighting data in the presence of a variety of clouds.